An Eclipse Story
hydrocal, foam, resin, faux leather, UV cured gel nails, inkjet print on vinyl, steel, safety mirror, acrylic, acrylic mirror, fresnel lens, window tint film
34" x 20.5" x 23"
Exhibited as part of Moon Eats the Sun, curated by Laura Burton at Laura (the Gallery) Houston, TX
“In many cultures and fold traditions, an eclipse represents an astronomical event during which a creature or deity devours or dismembers the sun or the moon. Following this thread Julie Malen debuts a sculpture that imagines the process of dismemberment and the eerie impossibility of such a cosmic occurrence. Her sculpture is an unusual object - an arm becomes a fish, replete with fingernail scales, and, like a Möbius strip, becomes an arm again. Through this cycle, Malen signals the transformative force of the eclipse and suggests a relationship to the uncanny.”—Laura Burton